Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Cold Weather Games

Well most days its been cold outside. I am really enjoying the 70 degree days in February that Mother Nature has given us.  On those cold days however, my dogs have been going a bit stir crazy. Opie would be happy to just stand around in the cold but Pixie can’t wait to get her bald butt back in the house. I am inclined to agree with Pixie. 

For those days when all the layers in the house can’t make me get out and walk my dogs, we stick to puzzle toys, and learning new tricks. I’ll share a few puzzle toys with you here and walk you through teaching your pup a few new easy tricks to get you through the winter and beyond.

Box Game
The holidays are over but we all have those Amazon prime boxes lying around the house or garage somewhere. Take 2 boxes and open the flaps so your pup can easily get into it. Place them on the floor a few feet apart and drop a small training treat in one while your pup watches. Tell them to “get it” or “find it” and point to your treat. Move to the second box and repeat the process. When you get back to the first box, your pup may have figured out this game so, while they are getting the treat out of the first box, put a treat in the second box when your pup is not looking. Make sure you tell your pup to “get it” or “find it” each time so they understand the game. 
As you practice a bit more and your pup is getting better at “finding” the treat, you can start moving the boxes farther away or closing the flaps of the box to make things a bit more difficult. 

Cup Game
Grab 2 or 3 solo cups and a handful of training treats. Place a treat under a cup while your pup watches. Encourage your pup to knock the cup over to get the treat. You may have to show your pup the treat under the cup a few times before they get the hang of it. Once they have the concept ask them to find the treat after you have moved the cups around a bit. 
Fun Tricks! 
Opie is working on Backing up and Pixie is working on a Hold right now. These guys have been doing crazy things for a while so I will start you off easier for now. 

HA! This is much more
fun than stealing laundry!
Paws up
Dogs have no idea where their feet are unless you teach them that they actually have control of them. Paws up is a great starting place. Grab a dish towel or wash cloth, depending on the size of your dog. Make the cloth big enough they can easily put their feet on it. Take your cookie in hand and lure your pups nose toward the towel. Once one of their paws touches the towel click and treat. When you are reliably getting one foot on the towel begin to click only for both feet on the towel. 
I taught Pixie to put her feet on a laundry basket one day while she was trying to “help” me with laundry. Now, it’s been good for her conditioning work, and often I will ask her to “paws” on fallen trees at the park, or fence posts on walks just to look cute. 

What fun things do you do to keep your pup entertained during the colder months?

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